In an unprecedented display of enthusiasm and support, Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis made history on Wednesday evening with his announcement to run for president during a groundbreaking Twitter Space event. Hosted by Twitter owner Elon Musk and GOP donor David Sacks, this event shattered previous records and captivated the attention of millions.
According to David Sacks, a close friend of Elon Musk’s, the Twitter Space featuring Ron DeSantis was “by far the biggest room ever held on social media.” Sacks expressed his gratitude to the Twitter team for their quick adaptation to the scaling challenges, ensuring a smooth experience for the massive audience. Elon Musk echoed this sentiment by retweeting Sacks’ message and responding to a tweet highlighting the staggering figure of over 700,000 concurrent users during the Twitter Space.
Renowned journalist Ian Miles Cheong further emphasized the significance of the event, comparing it to Elon Musk’s previous Twitter Space session with the BBC. He noted that while Musk’s earlier discussion attracted around 200,000 concurrent listeners, the DeSantis event reached a remarkable 701,000 concurrent users. The overwhelming response to DeSantis’ announcement caused the Twitter Space to experience some technical difficulties, indicating the tremendous level of interest and engagement from the audience.
Generra Peck, an official from the DeSantis campaign, revealed that Twitter acknowledged the immense popularity of the event, with “hundreds of thousands of people” attempting to join the Twitter Space as it temporarily crashed due to the high influx of participants. This further underscores the unparalleled reach and impact of DeSantis’ presidential campaign.
The resounding success of the Twitter Space event was not limited to its viewership alone. Bryan Griffin, DeSantis’ campaign Press Secretary, disclosed that the campaign had raised over $1 million in the first hour after the launch. This extraordinary achievement reflects the widespread support and enthusiasm for Governor DeSantis’ vision of a ‘Great American Comeback.’
With such remarkable momentum and widespread public backing, it is clear that Ron DeSantis has struck a chord with the American people. His commitment to conservative values, efficient governance, and economic revitalization resonates strongly with those who yearn for a brighter future for our nation.
As Governor DeSantis sets his sights on Washington, the immense success of his Twitter Space announcement serves as a strong foundation for his presidential campaign. The historic event has solidified his status as a frontrunner and generated a wave of enthusiasm that will undoubtedly propel him forward as he seeks to restore America’s greatness.