Mayor Adams Announces $53 Million Program for Migrants in NYC


New York City, once known for its bustling streets and vibrant culture, is now experiencing a crisis of epic proportions. Despite Mayor Adams’ claims of his “pro-immigrant” policies, the city is buckling under the weight of more than 150,000 migrants who have arrived since 2022. And to make matters worse, the mayor’s solution? Handing out pre-paid credit cards to these migrants to the tune of $53 million.

Yes, you read that right. As if the city’s already exorbitant expenses weren’t enough, Mayor Adams has decided to launch a pilot program to distribute pre-paid cards to 500 migrant families staying in hotels. And just what will these cards be used for? Not for essentials like rent or medical expenses, but for food and baby supplies. New York City’s tax dollars are now funding the meals of migrants.

According to city records, a family of four could receive nearly $1,000 a month through this program. And who’s paying for it? Not the migrants themselves, but hardworking New Yorkers who are already struggling to make ends meet in one of the most expensive cities in the world. And in true liberal fashion, the city is partnering with a New Jersey company to oversee the distribution of these funds.

But wait, there’s more. The migrants who receive these pre-paid cards must sign an affidavit stating that they will only use the funds for food and baby supplies. Because we all know that government funds are never misused or abused, right? And if they fail to comply, they will lose access to the funds.

And what about the cost? Mayor Adams claims that this program will save the city $600,000 a month, or $7.2 million annually. But let’s not forget that this is just a pilot program for 500 families. If deemed successful, it will be expanded to all 15,000 migrant families currently staying in hotels. So that’s $7.2 million a year for just 500 families. Imagine the cost when that’s multiplied by 15,000.

Controversial rapper 50 Cent criticized Mayor Eric Adams’ plan to distribute millions of dollars to city migrants. In an Instagram post on Saturday, 50 Cent shared a screengrab of the New York Post’s coverage of the program and wrote, “WTF mayor Adams call my phone, I don’t understand how this works 🤷🏽‍♂️somebody explain.”

Critics argue that these handouts only incentivize more immigration, and it’s hard to argue with that logic. If you were promoting an event and wanted to attract the biggest possible crowd, wouldn’t you make admission free and offer complimentary pizza and beer? That’s essentially what the city is doing with its immigration policy. And it’s not just conservatives who are calling out Mayor Adams’ disastrous decision-making. Even former WWE wrestler and current Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs took to X to voice his disapproval.

“If I were promoting an event and wanted to attract the biggest possible crowd without worrying about losing money, I’d make admission free and give everyone complimentary pizza and beer,” Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs, a Tennessee Republican and former WWE wrestler, posted on X, commenting on the New York Post report. “That’s kinda immigration policy right now.”

New York Post | Fox News


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