Navy Deletes Social Media Post


Look, I don’t know how often the Navy trains using firesuits, but if you are going to post a picture on social media, you should probably have someone (like a SEAL) who knows what they are doing.

A US Navy warship commander has found himself in a bit of a pickle after a photo of him went viral after being posted by the Navy. The photo in question shows Cmdr. Cameron Yaste, the commanding officer of the USS John S. McCain, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, holding an assault weapon with its scope mounted backward.

It has been reported that the photo was taken during a live-fire exercise event, and it was meant to showcase the US Navy’s capabilities. But instead, it ended up highlighting a rather embarrassing mistake.

The image, which was posted by the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, shows Yaste aiming at a large target balloon known as a “killer tomato.” However, eagle-eyed viewers quickly noticed that the Trijicon VCOG scope on his weapon was installed backward.

To make matters worse, people also pointed out that Yaste’s shooting stance and technique were not exactly up to par. As one user on X put it, “The scope is annoying, but that grip placement is downright WILD.”

It didn’t take long for the photo to go viral, with many people sharing it and making jokes at Yaste’s expense. In response to the backlash, the Navy removed the photo from the official Defense Department database. They later acknowledged the mistake, saying, “Thank you for pointing out our rifle scope error in the previous post. Picture has been removed until EMI is completed!”

As if the picture is the problem, at the very least you should know that the scope is on backwards when you look through it.


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