16 Year Old Suspended After Comments In Class


A 16-year-old student at Central Davidson High School in Lexington, North Carolina, is facing a three-day suspension last week for his use of the term “illegal alien” during an English class vocabulary exercise. The incident has sparked discussions among local community members and officials.

The controversy began during a vocabulary lesson where the word “alien” was discussed. Leah McGhee, the mother of the student, reported that her son was trying to understand the context of the word and asked, “Like space aliens or illegal aliens without green cards?” This question triggered leftists in the room.

Another student found the term offensive and reportedly threatened to fight McGhee’s son. This resulted in the teacher calling the assistant principal to address the situation. School administrators ultimately decided that the use of the term was disrespectful and offensive, particularly to Hispanic classmates, and suspended the student for three days.

So, the boy was threatened with violence and then was suspended for asking a question.

The student defended his choice of words, stating, “I didn’t make a statement directed towards anyone; I asked a question. I wasn’t speaking of Hispanics because everyone from other countries needs green cards, and the term ‘illegal alien’ is an actual term that I hear on the news and can find in the dictionary.”

The suspension could be a serious problem for the child because the suspension oucld ruin his chances for any scholarships he was attempting to get. He is involved in school clubs, track, and cross country.

The family is now working with an attorney to challenge the suspension and remove the infraction from his record.

State Senator Steve Jarvis has also gotten involved, reaching out to the superintendent of the school district to ensure that all aspects of the incident are fairly assessed. Jarvis has not made a direct recommendation on the resolution but hopes for a fair outcome.

The case has gotten national attention.

Even, Elon Musk commented calling the suspension “absurd.”


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