Strange ‘Rods’ Seen Over South America. Starlink?


Hey there, folks! Buckle up because we’ve got some intriguing news that’s lighting up the skies and sparking debates across South America. Strange luminous ‘rods’ have been captured on camera in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil, and these mysterious objects have everyone talking.

It all started on April 29 when UFO researcher and Petrobras engineer Rony Vernet recorded a stunning sight in the southeastern night sky near Rio de Janeiro. At 5:01 am, a cylindrical object slowly floated into view, moving northeast before disappearing after about 80 seconds. This was just the beginning.

Fast forward to May 6, when a resident in Argentina filmed a similar white object drifting above their house. That same evening in Vina del Mar, Chile, another witness captured a blue cylinder gliding across the sky. Yet another video from Luján de Cuyo in Chile added to the growing collection.

Then, on May 8, residents near the Brazil-Uruguay border recorded an object that changed colors from white to blue and yellow. Vernet shared additional videos from four witnesses in Brazil on May 9, each showing similar phenomena.

So, what are these strange rods? Are they UFOs, or could there be a more down-to-earth explanation? Some experts suggest the objects might be the satellite constellation Starlink, launched by Elon Musk’s SpaceX. Usually appearing as a string of lights, Starlink can sometimes look like a solid line right after deployment when the satellites are still grouped together.

Chris Spitzer, a UFO analysis expert, explains that Starlink satellites might look like oblong objects initially due to their close grouping. He shared an example of a meteor burning up in the atmosphere, with a similar white blob below it. This, he says, could be sunlight reflecting off the satellites.

Interestingly, there were Starlink launches on May 6 and May 8, coinciding with some of the sightings. However, Vernet remains skeptical, noting there was no launch on April 29, the day of his first video. “The only explanation for me would be Starlink, but no satellite train was visible at the time of the sighting,” he said.

Vernet, a prominent UFO researcher and founder of, continues to investigate these sightings, gathering videos and testimonies from witnesses across South America.

So, what do you think? Are these luminous rods the work of advanced extraterrestrial technology, or is it just another case of mistaken identity involving Starlink satellites? The debate is far from over, and as more evidence emerges, we’ll be sure to keep you updated.


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