Conservative comedy fans across the country are reeling this morning as reports have surfaced that popular comedian Will Ferrell has curiously decided to produce a documentary about a man named Harper Steele who recently transitioned to a woman. Sundance Film Festival insiders say the documentary is three summers in the making and that people in Ferrell’s camp are calling it an “important film about love and friendship across genders” – but it sounds like just another way to push a well-known liberal agenda.
Ferrell recently appeared at Sundance to world premiere the documentary, where he spoke about his longtime friend from their “Saturday Night Live” days. Harper — who wrote for the show from 1995 to 2008 – recently came out as transgender in 2022. According to Ferrell, Harper sent an email out to friends with the subject line “Here’s a Weird One” announcing the news.
The shifty and puzzling relationship between the two has sat in question. What should be a bigger issue for discussion in society is the time in which Harper made the transition. While it may seem like the natural thing to do in today’s society (“Why wouldn’t someone make that change?” as Ferrell said), some might wonder why Harper took so long to make the transition.
To raise more eyebrows, Ferrell chimed in about his dear friend by saying their friendship and relationship opened up a whole bunch of questions. “How could we help you? What do you need us to do?” Ferrell asked.
Ferrell himself said he had had “zero knowledge” about the trans community before Harper came out and neither had he met anyone else in person who was trans. We can only assume that Harper came out to Ferrell as a ploy of liaison and manipulation for the documentary, which makes “Will & Harper” the “Crying Game” of documentaries. And get this, Ferrell is even the producer of the documentary (no agenda here folks)! Ferrell, who’s clearly in the liberal party’s corner, just happens to produce a documentary about a man becoming a woman and the state of our country at the same time.
Ferrell and Harper go on a cross-country trip to “process” this new stage of their relationship and presumably cope with who Harper is on the “inside.” On the “inside” their relationship has transcended from good buddies to something that needed more than a three-year road trip or starting from fresh in Hollywood.
This sounds like just another way for Hollywood to showcase a ‘cross all barriers’ kind of friendship but in the end, it’s just Hollywood feelings (or the lack thereof, really). But according to Harper, this is an “important friendship documenting important times.” Given their “important times” friendship is built around transgender transformations, is it too much to question Harper’s original friendship state with Ferrell?
Many across America are baffled at this news while liberals and Hollywood are doing their best to persuade people that sexuality is just a flippable switch these days. In the end, we can see that Hollywood elite Will Ferrell takes a break from his cushy lifestyle to premiere a new documentary about his trans friend at the Sundance Film Festival.
In typical liberal fashion, Ferrell uses the opportunity to virtue signal and pat himself on the back for his “support” of the LGBTQ+ community. The film, titled “Will & Harper,” follows the two friends as they take a road trip to process Harper’s transition. I’m sure this documentary will be yet another example of Hollywood’s attempt to lecture the rest of America on social issues while living in a bubble of privilege.
Will Ferrell said he had “zero knowledge” about the trans community before his best friend Harper Steele came out to him. “It’s a chance for all of us in the cis community to be able to ask questions and also just to listen and be there as a friend.”
— Variety (@Variety) January 22, 2024