Evangeline Lilly Takes on Society’s Double Standard


The 43-year-old actress and Marvel star Evangeline Lilly recently took to Instagram to criticize what she sees as a current push to make men less masculine and women less feminine. The post came shortly after her statement in March about her support for vaccine mandates in her home country of Canada, which she said was supported by both Disney and Marvel.

In her post, Lilly questioned why masculine traits in men are seen as negative while the same traits in women are celebrated. She asked why a man who wears boots and drives a pickup truck is seen as a villain but if it was a woman, she would be considered “cool”. She also questioned why a man who loves makeup, cries easily, and stays at home to take care of domestic responsibilities is seen as valiant, but a woman who does the same is seen as pathetic.

Lilly’s post was met with a mixed response, with some finding her words inspiring while others argued that her post was perpetuating gender stereotypes. Her sentiment was echoed by many, though, who shared their own experiences of feeling disrespected or judged for displaying traditionally “masculine” or “feminine” traits.

Lilly’s post follows a long history of similar conversations regarding gender roles and expectations, with many arguing that society should not place such strict limitations on how men and women should behave. The idea of toxic masculinity, or the belief that traditional masculine traits are harmful to both men and women, has been gaining traction in recent years.

At the same time, Lilly’s post also highlights the double standard that exists in society when it comes to acceptable behavior for men and women. There is a need for a more nuanced understanding of gender roles and expectations, one that allows for all traits and behaviors to be seen as valid and acceptable regardless of gender.





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