Prominent television personality, Al Roker, and his company, Al Roker Entertainment, became the subjects of a lawsuit filed this Tuesday. The lawsuit was initiated by former executive producer, Bill Schultz, who alleges that he was unjustly and unlawfully dismissed from his role in 2023 following his criticism of the company’s failure to effectively implement a diversity initiative.
According to legal documents unveiled by The Hollywood Reporter, Schultz’s claims are focused on the company’s negligent handling of a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mandate by the PBS network. This mandate required that Schultz’s animated series “Weather Hunters” incorporate Black writers into its creative team. In opposition to this, Schultz accuses Al Roker Entertainment of undermining the DEI mandate by only employing Black writers to refine scripts initially drafted by White writers, as opposed to hiring them as regular staff writers.
“Instead of giving the chances to BIPOC writers as had been the plan, the story editor, repeating a strategy previously advocated and backed by Al Roker Entertainment management in writing, wanted to have ‘non-BIPOC’ writers write the stories, and then bring on a ‘BIPOC’ writer and after the stories/episodes [were] shaped, they could be ‘hand[ed] off to BIPOC writers,'” the lawsuit read.
After the Black producer was corrected for being in opposition Schultz defended the policy and told Roker. Later, he was sent a notice accusing of what the suit said was a “fabricated” contractual breach.
“They saw the use of ‘BIPOC’ individuals as a handicap or unwelcome obstacle that could be disregarded if necessary and be evaded or overcome—even if it meant using underhanded and deceptive tactics,” the lawsuit stated. “Further, management at Al Roker Entertainment did not see the PBS DEI mandate as a requirement: It was a box to be checked in the most expedient manner possible.”
“Management of Al Roker Entertainment never appreciated or embraced the opportunity the plan afforded those it was intended to benefit,” the suit continued.
This lawsuit is a hot mess.