Desantis Controversial Proposals for Border Security


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican presidential primary candidate currently polling in second place behind former President Donald Trump, has outlined his support for using lethal force against drug cartel operatives who attempt to breach the nation’s border wall. Speaking at a campaign event in Texas, DeSantis argued that the use of deadly force would act as a deterrent and prevent drug cartels from smuggling illegal products into the United States.

DeSantis drew a parallel between defending one’s home and defending the country’s border, stating, “If somebody were breaking into your house to do something bad, you would respond with force. Yet why don’t we do that at the southern border?” He emphasized that if cartels choose to breach the wall, they would face severe consequences, noting, “They will end up stone-cold dead as a result of that bad decision. And if you do that one time, you are not gonna see them mess with our wall ever again.”

Highlighting his concern about the control of America’s southern border by Mexican drug cartels, DeSantis described the situation as “horrific” and a “disgrace.” He firmly stated that building a border wall is a priority, emphasizing that walls have proven effective in deterring illegal crossings.

In addition to advocating for the border wall, DeSantis called for penalties against sanctuary jurisdictions and expressed his support for states and localities in enforcing federal immigration law. He rejected the interpretation that a child born in the U.S. shortly after the mother crosses the border automatically becomes an American citizen, asserting that this interpretation is not in line with the original understanding of the 14th Amendment. DeSantis indicated that he would take action to compel clarification on this issue.

As part of his strategy to combat drug cartels, DeSantis proposed designating them as either foreign terrorist organizations or transnational criminal organizations. This move would enable enhanced legal measures to be employed against these groups and provide greater resources for combating their illicit activities.

Governor Ron DeSantis has been actively campaigning on the issue of border security, pledging to take strong measures to address the ongoing border crisis if elected president. His stance on using lethal force against drug cartels attempting to breach the border wall reflects his determination to secure the nation’s borders and prevent the illegal entry of drugs and other contraband.

DeSantis’s comments have sparked a debate regarding the appropriate use of force at the border, with critics expressing concerns about potential human rights violations and the need to prioritize comprehensive immigration reform. As the presidential race unfolds, DeSantis’s position on border security and his proposed solutions are likely to continue drawing attention and shaping the national conversation on immigration policy.

The Blaze


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