AB 957: The Controversial Parental Rights Bill


A recently amended bill in California, AB 957, has stirred controversy by proposing to classify a parent’s failure to affirm their child’s gender identity as “child abuse.” Introduced by Assembly Member Lori Wilson and Senator Scott Wiener, both Democrats, the bill aims to redefine the “health, safety, and welfare” of a child within the state’s family law. The changes have raised concerns among conservative circles, prompting debates regarding parental rights, child custody disputes, and the impact on organizations interacting with children.

AB 957 seeks to amend Section 3011 of California’s Family Code, which governs child custody disputes. Under the proposed revision, a court determining a child’s “best interests” must consider the affirmation of transgender identity as part of the child’s health, safety, and welfare. Refusal by a parent to acknowledge the child’s gender identity would be deemed a violation of their welfare, equivalent to child abuse.

Critics argue that the bill’s vague language leaves room for potential misinterpretation and fails to address important nuances. The lack of distinction based on a child’s age, the duration of their gender identity identification, or the differentiation between social transitions and medical interventions raises concerns about its potential impact.

Nicole Peterson, the founder of the civil rights advocacy group Facts Law Truth Justice, vehemently opposes AB 957. She warns that the bill’s broad language could lead to parents being deemed child abusers for not immediately affirming a young child’s ever-changing self-identifications. Peterson cautions that if signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, who has aspirations for higher office, this bill could set a dangerous precedent for other states.

Senator Scott Wiener has recently garnered attention for his support of progressive measures related to gender identity. Inviting a member of an anti-Catholic group of “drag queen nuns” to be honored during Pride month and authoring a bill establishing California as a “sanctuary” for transgender treatments for minors are among his notable actions. This background raises concerns among conservative voices regarding the potential consequences of AB 957.



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