In a series of tweets on Saturday, actor Mark Ruffalo, known for his role in “The Avengers,” voiced his discontent with the Supreme Court, claiming that recent decisions have demonstrated its transformation into a “right-wing ideological political institution.” Ruffalo demanded that the legislative and executive branches take action to rein in the Court’s perceived influence.
Ruffalo’s comments came in response to a HuffPost article that accused the current Court of rolling back progress made in the 20th century. The article cited several recent decisions, including the Dobbs ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, the decision against affirmative action in college admissions, the ruling against President Biden’s student loan forgiveness program, and the 303 Creative decision issued the previous week.
Taking to Twitter, Ruffalo stated, “Okay. So we all understand that the Supreme Court has become a right-wing ideological political institution under Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Barrett, Kavanaugh, & Roberts. They’re for sale & illegitimate. Now, we have to beat them in the executive branch & the legislature.”
Okay. So we all understand that the Supreme Court has become a right-wing ideological political institution under Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Barrett, Kavanaugh, & Roberts. They’re for sale & illegitimate. Now, we have to beat them in the executive branch & the legislature.…
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) July 1, 2023
He further called on people to organize and exercise their right to vote, emphasizing the need to counteract what he perceived as the Court’s regressive actions. Ruffalo urged his followers to remain determined, drown out distractions, and continue pushing forward towards progress, proclaiming, “The only way to freedom is forward.”
Organize the vote. They’re taking us backward. We have already left them behind. Now we keep building people’s power. We have the people. We are far more mighty. Hold on tight & keep organizing. Drown out the noise. Keep pushing forward. The only way to freedom is forward.
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) July 1, 2023
However, not everyone agreed with Ruffalo’s assessment. Critics swiftly responded to his tweets, pointing out his apparent support for a left-leaning court when it made decisions aligning with his own beliefs. One Twitter user commented, “It used to be a left-wing ideological political institution, but you were fine with that.”
“Sounds awful sedition-y there, kiddo, to say a co-equal branch of government is illegitimate,” another tweeted. “It would be a lot easier for you to just say you are throwing a tantrum because you don’t like the Constitution.”
Ruffalo’s fellow actors also weighed in on the matter. Matthew Marsden assured his followers that not all actors share Ruffalo’s views, emphasizing individual diversity of opinions. Robert Davi urged everyday working Americans to make their voices heard and express their support or disagreement with Ruffalo, stressing the importance of engaging with celebrities on these matters.
Not all actors are like this, I promise.
— Matthew Marsden (@matthewdmarsden) July 1, 2023
We must make sure celebrities hear from everyday working Americans and not the indoctrinated haters the education system has infected – Will all express either your support or disagreement with @MarkRuffalo and Why ??!!
— Robert Davi (@RobertJohnDavi) July 1, 2023